Some of you might remember a Sharp Practice campaign I played three years ago with Sigur. Star of Bravery turned out to be not only one of the best campaigns I’ve ever played, but one of the most memorable gaming experiences I’ve had.
I’ve had the intention to publish the campaign pretty much from the moment we finished it, but for some reasons, I never got around to doing it. Other projects came, but I didn’t finish those either. In the end, I started to think that maybe I was unable to finish anything since I left academia? Which didn’t exactly improve my mood.
Two weeks ago, I spontaneously sat down to tackle Star of Bravery once again. Imagine my relief when I put the final touches on the book!
Long story short: I’m happy to present my unofficial supplement for Sharp Practice:

It’s a cooperative campaign for 1-3 players (more are possible, but would increase the time needed exponentially). All players play the role of French officers trying to advance their career and gather glory (think Brigadier Gerard!). The campaign has a clear ending condition and will have a maximum of 11 games for two players (however, it will probably be less due to events or characters being wounded). It’s not a map campaign, but if you want to make one out of it, it can easily be used in conjunction with Dawns & Departures.
It features unique event mechanism that is somewhat akin to chose-your-own-adventure books and has provided us with a lot of fun!
The book of 42 pages is available as a pdf from WargameVault:–Eagles-along-the-Danube?affiliate_id=2981366
I hope you like the campaign and I’d be glad for any feedback!