Guess what, Pixel Art News is back! … For the Summer.
Those of you who have been around the block for a while now—in particular in 2017—will remember my monthly YouTube show where I covered upcoming and newly released games along with random pixel art bits and pieces and a DIY section.
I’m not committing to reviving it, but I will create a few episodes this Summer, calling it #SummerOfPixelArt (it’s not really a thing, I just made it up). On the plus side, I record it weekly now on Twitch and you can even catch individual news as shorts on places like TikTok and Instagram.
In the latest episode, among other things, I give recommendations of important pixel art games for their art direction + they are 50% off or cheaper on Steam Summer Sale. This includes tumblr folks such as @dpadstudio, @thimbleweedpark, @danfessler, and @johanvinet!
I’ve done 4 episodes so far, here are the other 3 you have missed if you don’t follow me on YouTube, X, or Facebook where I also upload them.
Also, here is the episode cover again, featuring key art from Pathway, as otherwise this post won’t appear on my front page. Whoops!