So, as I’ve already mentioned, I’ve recently had a first game of Xenos Rampant, the new sci-fi skirmish rules by Dan Mersey and Richard Cowen. They follow the successful “rampant” format, which I like, so I had some hopes that they might rekindle my interest in sci-fi gaming.

I dug out my 15mm collection, set up a small colony settlement and off we went. It really was a fun game, with the consequence that I plunged into my 15mm sci-fi lead pile and fished out some stuff I wanted to paint up for a very long time. The first was this little spacecraft:

Someone on Facebook told me it’s a craft form an old Gerry Anderson puppet show, which never made it to Austria. I like its quaint and whimsical retro-look.
The whole thing also gave me the idea for a simple campaign. I’ve been fleshing out a sci-fi background for a while now (some of it went into my Traveller RPG campaign), so I have a lot of ideas floating around. Let’s see if we actually play it. But it’s fun to paint a couple of sci-fi figures, and it’s also satisfying to finally finish things that have been lying around for a long time.